Eyes of a child
This is an entry written last week while I was visiting LA with Zeke. June 14, 2012 Yesterday I took a walk around the school across the street from Auntie Anna's. The last times I had done that, I was in college, on break and carefree, or just prior to our wedding, needing a breather from people and planning. How different it was this time. In a way, I still felt alone, because Zeke needed no conversation, and he was quickly falling asleep. Yet of course I wasn't alone. And I felt at once nostalgic and thankful - nostalgic for that quiet freedom that I once constantly had as a single woman, but thankful that God was stretching me beyond that easy independence. It was the last day of school yesterday, and some kids were still there at school, playing on the slides, swinging wildly on the swing set. A family with young kids was playing baseball, shouting and laughing. I was glad I was there, a witness to the unparalleled atmosphere of freedom and antici...