More on enjoying this time
36 Weeks (Full term by tomorrow!)
This is my second week of being a housewife but not yet a stay-at-home mom. It suits me surprisingly well to have the quiet to think and reflect. I find myself feeling it it's not so important to freeze a dozen meals and have the "nursery" ready (in fact, it's still more a study than anything), but to take this time to pray and to give thanks. Of course, I may kick myself in a couple of weeks for not having everything perfectly ready... yet right now ticking things off a to-do list doesn't seem right - it seems like reverting to my natural wanting-to-be-in-control ways, an issue that God has been working in my heart all through this pregnancy. Of course it's wise to be prepared, to be informed, but I cannot hope to overcome fears (and how many they are! From labor pain to a lifelong commitment to motherhood!) through being busy, buying stuff, and getting organized.
I have to get to the heart of things, and God has been reminding me - it's Him.
Over and over again He says "don't fear" - not because there won't be trouble or pain or shadows or fire or enemies - but because He is with us, because His grace is sufficient, because He knows us, because we are His.
And when I meditate on this, I find my prayers turning to praise, and my thoughts turning to reasons to be grateful. How much I have missed this in busyness - a to-do list always focuses my mind on what's missing, what's incomplete. Rest and quiet reminds me of His perfection, His completed work on the cross, His overflowing goodness. It reminds me of how very, very much I have been given: an incredibly loving and sacrificial husband whom God brought back safely from Mozambique (and was an incredibly good sport about the maternity shoot, sample pic above), wise and thoughtful and giving parents who give us grace and confidence to enter into parenthood ourselves, and supportive family and friends to give us courage and joy in anticipation.
So yes, I will slip in activities here and there to pamper myself as per the advice of other mothers, to learn as much about motherhood as I can, and to sleep as much as I can. But how good it is that before what will be a colossal transition in life, I can stop and take stock, and place some stones in the Jordan now - stones to remember God's great faithfulness and His unfailing promises through the quiet times and the overwhelming times.
" know in your hearts and souls, all of you, that not one word has failed of all the good things that the Lord your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed." - Joshua 23:14
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