Tracking Baby T - Weeks 18 - 26
Well, well, what do you know - 3rd trimester has begun! Baby T continues to flip and kick and nudge and burrow his head into my various organs, and my belly continues to balloon. 18 Weeks Here I am back at Week 18 - still running! That feels like a distant dream now. I remember feeling quite prominently pregnant, and wondering if some motherly lady would stop me and scold me for running while pregnant. That looks like a little bump to me now! 19 Weeks On December 12, we went in for the anatomy ultrasound. We brought along two DBS lai see packet - one with a little girl, the other with a boy. We then asked the nurse to put the lai see packet with the gender of our baby into a larger envelope for us to take home with us. She had to put some post-its on the lai see to make sure we couldn't see through the envelope. Hehe. I was dying to open the envelope that night, but Ryan eventually convinced me that it would make a good Christmas present to open it on Chr...