Eyes on the eternal
Dr Tom As you can tell, I (Bea) have been spending a lot of time lately going through our wedding photos and editing them and picking ones out to post and eventually to put in an album. It's been fun to do it - reliving some wonderful days six months down the road. But it also caused me to feel the same anxious insecurity with my options and choices and gnawing obsession with comparing that plagued me throughout the wedding planning months. I thought after a wonderful day of worshiping and committing ourselves to God and each other, an unforgettable honeymoon, and months of deep enjoyment of being my husband's companion would put to sleep all those concerns about superficial things - the dress, the hair, the pictures, the decor. But going through pictures made the horrible questions of "what if" flare up in full force. I looked at friends' wedding pictures on Facebook, and wished our photographers had captured moments like those in these other albums, givi...